First impressions

Azaeziel on April 22, 2009

So, as some of you may or may not have noticed. I now have this wonderful great huge banner in place of the old out of date voting link thing that was broken. Waxengoddess is my fiance, and May 28th she will become my wife. This is her little way of making money, so if you need any kind of hand crafted wax or clay object (or objects) you can visit her on-line store thingy and let her know. (Also, if you want me to draw you something, you can go there, and write to her that you want me to draw something for you, and I'm sure she'll let me know. Maybe.)

Anyway, that's the latest news from Azaeziel-land. I hope you all are having a wonderful spring, and if you ever want to plan a wedding, start early and budget well, otherwise, things fall apart fast! (Trust me, I know what I'm talking about here.)

Thank you for reading Karen the Marilith, and have a wonderful weekend.