Twitch, Twitch - Part 15

kentuckyfriedpopcorn on Aug. 29, 2012

Woohoo, color! Mainly I just wanted to see if I could do it, and what it would look like. I fiddled around a lot with colors, but did not like most of them - I found they tended to overwhelm the inking, which is probably my strong suit if I have one. In the end, I kept desaturating and desaturating until I managed the sort of faded, slightly art nouveau look that I wanted. It's not even close to being a polished look, but it made a decent first try with color. The strip will NOT be going color fulltime, though, because that would mean it would only be updated 3 times a year. Every so often, it will be good for extra zing, though.So - One more strip to go, and then an epilog. Our heroes seem to have won the day, more or less, but have they forgotten the full extent of Evil Twitch's homicidal tendencies?