Fightsplosion Promotion!

Nako on Oct. 13, 2008

Yes, sign-ups are still ongoing for Fightsplosion 4! Fightsplosion 4 will be composed of 16 2-member teams duking it out for the first ever tag-team championship title so it will be the biggest Fightsplosion event so far! Get a partner and sign-up now! We need 6 more teams (as of this typing, and according to my counting)! You can find Fightsplosion in the forums, it has its own section there.

I have actually done Page 3 already. Now I have to go to the comp shop and get it scanned…but not before I do some other stuff to get scanned too (like my sketches of the characters who will be joining in Fightsplosion. HAHAHA!!!)