Forgotten Gods In Heaven Redux

XanderXeroFiasco on Nov. 16, 2011

We are getting closer to reposting all the old re-colored 13 pages and continuing on with the story. I'm pretty excited.
The bad thing is, even if I have a magic wand, I don't think I could wave it around and have the comic come out like I want it to. The only way to do it is to really just sit down, focus my attention on this like a laser and draw, color, and dialouge this thing.
I really love this story. And although I do have that type-X3RO running around my head for quite sometime now (to see it go to I really can't imagine myself not working on Kings of the New World. I guess this is my Lord of the Rings. I'll keep working on it ‘till I die.
…And with thoughts of my death, I bid you guys adieu. (Until Wednesday’s update that is LOL)