Floating on the breeze

lba on Jan. 7, 2009

Alrighty. This one ended up taking a couple days longer than expected because of a surprise commission I got sprung on me to paint the walls at the local farmers market. Nonetheless, it's here and I'm liking it.

If possible I'm going to be aiming for a twice a week update schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays or as often as I can manage to finish pages with the pile of projects sitting on my desk to be completed. However before I can get back to a halfway consistent update schedule, I'm going to be out of working order for the next week or two as by the time you're all reading this I will likely be in lala land from painkillers after surgery. But short of the doctor accidentally offing me in the process I'll probably have another comic up in a week or so.

And lastly, a hearty congrats to Matt for his feature. I find it incredibly cool to see a guy who comic I've been following from day one ( albeit, most of those days I was lurking without commenting fir a lack of things to say. ) get a feature. Here's to hoping that things keep getting better for you man.