The Hunt (Part 4)

KDog on Jan. 7, 2018

I thought it was pretty neat that LEGO retroactively added Classic Space and Futuron astronauts in the color green. The original Classic Space-style astronauts turned up in the fan-designed “Exo Suit (#21109)” set in 2014, and the green Futuron astronaut appeared in the 2015 “City Square (#60097)” set of all places. They aren't perfect recreations. The astronauts in the Exo Suit set of course have the newer-style helmet, and the Futuron uniform has extra detail that wasn't present on the original. Still, they're cool additions. But since they aren't “authentic” to the original spacemen, I decided to give them a slight twist in the comic. You'll of course learn more about what the heck is going on here at some point…

— This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.