Totally not just the only interesting thing about me...I swear...

Aridy on Aug. 23, 2011

Okay. So I've decided to start putting up some of my
old stuff, a journal arch that I did while living in Belize Central America for
two months on an archaeological dig, living in the jungle and all that
jazz. I've had it sitting around FOREVER and it is what started me off on
the idea of doing a webcomic in the first place. Yes, it has taken me 4
years to finally get up the nerve to do any of this, but at least it is finally
happening. My comic journal really helpedme through the first time
I had ever been away from my safety zone. And the experience itself
helped me to learn to cope for what was to come…which I am sure I will get
into later. And yeah…Belize really is one of the few really interesting
things that have ever happened to me. I suggest going there if you ever
get the chance. It is really awesome. Also, don't just go to the
tourista spots, go to the places less traveled. Much more
interesting. Just make sure you have a lot of deet and a machete
(Seriously…and learn how to use it well before you go).