
Locoma on Aug. 14, 2007

Another Locoma Action Figure comes into play! Lots of character development to come and too little Paula… although I will reconsider this if someone is brave enough to complain about it, haha. It wouln't be the first time I cameo'd a comment, right Tweebus?

this is the finished drawing of the technique practise from the video

~ Replies ~
hehe I totally second that, ever searched for “how to” videos in youtube? there are some useful ones… among the huge pile of crap

the video was sped up and edited, it took me a while to find the ink, hahah. It is three times faster than normal. I wish I were that fast… I would probably update three times a week

yeah, it doesn't show the first pencil line work at all :( But this isn't how I create my pages, it was trying a technique. You know what, I'm gonna shoot an entire page process as soon as I get a decent camera.

wow, thanks man! I'm really flattered :D

Thanks Tantz! I should have made the ink first though, that's like a beginners mistake :-D Ink is great and fun to mess with.

Thanks Vickie, It's good to know I'm not tiring you yet with all my technique experiments