Stellar on March 4, 2012

Hello! I'm back. Technically I never left. But how would you know? Without updates and all I may as well have been gone. I've been busy though! I have four pages after this one that are ready for uploading! I also updated the last page to be all pretty with tone and such ^_^ Only because I love you.

OMG This is my first update in 2012! That's the reason I'm back on this. I figure I need to complete SOMETHING in my life before the world explodes this December! D= I even plotted out the rest of the story~ There's something like *Looks through notes* … 27-29 pages total.. So this is page 13, you should get another 15 or so pages of delicious lesbian zombie horror romance with plenty of action and characters to come! I feel like I'm doing too much with such a short comic but that was the plan in the beginning. To fuck everything and I don't care if you can't keep up, learn to pay attention without overanalyzing and you might not fall behind!

Oh yeah, the page itself XD Looks like someone's watching DG and Sue with some high tech humanoid scanners o= I wonder what this means for the estranged couple!

That's all for this one killjoys~