
kyupol on Feb. 21, 2013

Rant of the Day
Humans are interesting creatures.
They are capable of heights of civilization…
And also spiritual advancement.
But then again spiritual advancement only happens to very few of them.
Only a few enter the narrow road.
Most go down the broad path to destruction.
The path to destruction is not usually chosen as the first choice.
It happens usually when survival is threatened.
Cuz when survival is threatened, humans tend to “hold the blade”.
That could either be holding the sharp end of the blade thats about to stab you…
Or holding the blade to kill somebody.
In the physical or spiritual sense.
In order to preserve life another needs to be killed.
What kind of messed up logic is that?
I dont care what religion / philosophy / spirituality / belief system you call yourself.
The moment you are driven to hold that blade the moment the shit starts to hit the fan…
You are but a human.
I don't care how you rationalize that you are somehow better than any other human.
I don't care if you go to mass everyday and receive all those sacraments and read everything written by some man arrogant enough to claim himself to be God's spokesman on earth.
I don't care if you pray five times a day facing Mecca.
I don't care if you have memorized the Koran.
I don't care if you think that dressing a certain way somehow makes you any better.
I don't care if you have memorized the Torah.
I don't care if you go to church every Sunday listening to a preacher flail his arms around and flop around and get you all pumped up over Jesus for a short time and flop around as well.
I don't care how many times you “fellowship” with other “believers”.
I don't care how many times you delude yourself that you are “born again” and “baptized”.
I don't care if you have memorized the Bible.
I don't care how many times you meditate.
I don't care if you're vegan.
I don't care how many of these magic crystals and trinkets you have collected.
I don't care how many of these aliens, ascended masters, gods, goddesses, etc. you claim to be in contact with.
I don't care if you have psychic abilities.
I don't care how many times you've supposedly reincarnated and you now call yourself an “old soul” or “starseed” or “indigo child”.
I don't care if you think that religion is all bonkers and there's no such thing as that big daddy up in the clouds or some spiritual law in effect called “karma”…
I don't care if you're unsure whether or not spirituality is all real or not.
The moment you start to change when shit hits the fan.
The moment you hold that blade.
You are but human.
Stop it.
Stop deluding yourself into thinking you are better than any other human.
You are NOT spiritually advanced.
Deal with it.
Unless you carry your cross
without holding that blade.
You are.
And that is why you are still on this planet.
/end rant… its been awhile since I posted a rant. More personal issues going on. hehehe.
Pipo, ghostrunner - thanks for commenting