Chapter 2, Page 1

RedMoon on April 26, 2006

Momo: This page is a wonderful exhibition of Ryo's artistry and intuitiveness of the pen, and a showcase of my (admittedly limited) photoshop abilities and art direction. I hope you like the product. This page probably takes the title for the most hours of post-production work put into it.
Stay tuned, I'm absolutely stoked about the next few pages. I think you all will be too, when we start coming out with them.
NOTE: Updates will be once a week until I get back from Ottawa, and convention season is over. Then we might be able to settle down and have more time to work.
Edit: You complained, and we listened! Right above this space is our very own ‘favourites’ button! Clicky-clicky!

Ryoko: As Momo said, we spent hours just working and re-working this page in Photoshop. Not to mention argueing back and forth over how Samarael should look.

As for Convention season… We will be attending a few conventions this summer. The schedual is as follows:

April 27, 2006 - Akkiko-Con (ttp:// Only Ryoko will be in attendance as Momo is out of the area. Look for the tall girl wearing a red corsete and pale skin.

May 21-22, 2006 - Otafest ( Both Ryoko and Momo will be in attendance. We will be doing multiple costumes, including Soi Fong/Hisagi from Bleach, Misa/Raito from Deathnote and our own designed gothic lolita couple.

July 7-9, 2006 - Animethon ( Both Ryoko and Momo will be in attendance. Our costumes have not been decided upon yet. We'll keep you posted.

Feel free to email the authors if you think you might be in attendance of any of these conventions ^_^ The link is right up there at the top *points*