Soldiers 9

tsameti on June 28, 2009

Sweet lord of bristling, Jesus saturated love, this page took a long time.

Mostly because I stopped working on it for like 2 weeks.

I'm starting to get a little weary of escapism in entertainment. I used to love it, maybe I'll come to enjoy it again in time, but right now I feel like it's a little unhealthy. People have responsibilities to themselves and their communities, but our “me first gimme gimme” cultural attitude as Americans are hurting the people around us.

Families growing up in single parent homes, lives full of throw away friendships, people trying to find any way to skirt taxes and a full workday. Seems sometimes that the only thing we value these days is celebrity sex gossip, video explosions, and the cold comfort of cash.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no high and mighty paragon of family values and work ethic. I'm part of the problem. Hopefully this recession will change us a bit, bring people back a little to the important business of living.