Civil War - Chapter 1, Cover

Doublex776 on May 22, 2019

So here's the deal!

For the past 9 years Richie and I had been working on various Mech Academy sequels, reboots etc. and were never satisfied with any of them. However- our technical skillset had been slowly improving despite our dwindling contact with each other.

Things changed when Richie and I met again at Chris' wedding and started to brainstorm a lot of new concepts and story ideas and regained interest in the project. For the last year we had been chipping away at a new story that both of us were extremely satisfied with, but it went through several iterations and restarts.

My own marriage as well as the birth of my wonderful baby boy has convinced me that if we don't start publishing now, this thing will never see the light of day. So what you get is Mech Academy: Civil War! It is a half sequel/half remake that takes place roughly 15 years after the events of Mech Academy.

Updates will be slow as we attempt to render and piece together all of our work so far, but rest assured! We have enough 3D assets and story content for quite a lot of pages. So Mike, I give you your debt of 3 pages, plus interest.