alschroeder on April 14, 2012

Introducing the Psyche-Staff, her primary weapon. If the breastplate causes illusions, the Psyche-Staff can control you, to a certain extent. It's a pretty heavy-duty weapon, if you think about it. It was sometimes a challenge to show why she couldn't just wrap up the story with THAT. But of course, you could say the same thing about Thor's hammer, GL's ring, etc. There's always a way. Certain types of polarized glass that lessens or shields you against those effects. It being attuned to only human minds, etcetera.

And yes, I LOVED the Alternative pages idea. It was a good way for an artist to do specialized guest art, and have their own take on a certain scene. If you'd like to do one, by all means, pick a page, and get to it!