Valium makes you happy

KademonsterX on Jan. 17, 2014

Been a long time since there's was a description about a drug. And it's only the second time, I think that when I first started this comic, I wanted to do that pretty regularly. Oh well. At least I didn't forget why I started, eh? TP and SS Link are still at it. Next update is gonna' be the 19th.

And now…….. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the RETURNING! The man with the plan, the phantomest phantom to ever hit Phantom Street, the MASTER of promotion, the one, the only, the ORIGINAL HYPE MAN OF MCMM, stand up and appreciate, put your hands together… Are you not excited? ARE! YOUUU!!! REEAAADY?!?! PHAAAAAANTOOOOOOMMMMM-AH!!!! DUUUUUUUUUUCK-AHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh! (Loud ominous roaring)