'Lets get ready to get Dirty' because I don't get paid to say 'Ready to Rumble'

KademonsterX on May 19, 2014

And yes! More filler! AHAHAHA! Up to like 52 likes on facebook, that's… still not a lot. But shit! I'm having fun, you guys are having fun reading, right? Well fuck it, that's what's important. Well lets roll with it. Next comic, there will be fighting. Gotta' give it a proper build. So are you excited? If you answered yes, then I did a good job. And thanks to a Mr. Peterson for sharing our facebook page and getting me some more likes. I assumed it was him, anyways. Maybe next year MCMM will be halfway viral! Could be much worse. Stay tuned and lets have fun getting dirty, eh?
Oh, thought about leaving the bong out, it was a last minute change. Maybe we'll get another floating bong.