MT Issue 36: Page 9

Author_Ninja on July 26, 2010

Update 2:
So, I hate to do this to you and all the new people reading this but I have to take the day off. Once again my real job is fucking me over and with the scenery I have for the next page will require more than the 2 hours I need to make it look presentable. So I'm going to remove some more fillers and dink with some other projects for Mob Ties during the downtime.

Thanks again for all the support with the DD award nominations, and welcome to all the new readers who actually have the patience to get all the way up to this page.

So, my ad is finally complete and I've been launching an ad campaign. I've already beaten out Cru and Charby, but Cwen seems to be stubbornly holding out. Still, it's day one.

So, this weekend I'll be attending Otakon. I will be wearing my ninja forehead protector and I'll take an updated pic of myself. If anyone is attending and wishes to meet me, let me know. I don't have a panel or anything, but I'll be talking to other comic artists for help and advice.

I was also considering spending a day dressed as the Cartoonist to interview people and record the con. I might need to trick…I mean, coerce…er…ASK my friend to play cameraman for me for a while. So look for the cartoonist too. I'll post pics on DA beforehand.

So, if you're going to Otakon and want to meet me, give me a buzz and I'll see if there's a few panels I'm planning to attend.

Oh yeah, and, Emo pirate. I didn't go with the gay or gender bender story but added another dead little sister to the Trope pile. Tho, Mayflower is technically older than Katana and NOT a twin. She was like, 20.

Edit update:

I just checked out the DD Awards page and I am…I mean, wow. It's amazing!I suggested best Protagonist, antagonist and Manga but you guys went all out.

This is a list of categories I've been nominated for:

*Best Dialogue
*Best Manga
*Best Website Design
*Best Romance Comic
*Best Overall Story Comic
*Best Humor Comic
*Best Character Design
*Best Writing
*Most Improved Art
*Best Anthropomorphic Comic
*Best Protagonist (TWO nominations! Sid and Mika are going to be fighting each other for this one!)
*Best Antagonist

Not including the two for Protagonist, that's TWELVE nominations! I mean, it's the unholy zodiac of award-ness! Seriously guys, thanks so much for the support. I'm really hoping to take home a win this year.

Ha! Competing with Harkovast for Best Anthro comic? I bet that really stuck in his craw. I don't expect to win that since MT is only partially furry, but I hope to at least make him sweat a little bit. Not that I'm going to try and start another flame war or crusade against him. After all, one of my characters is the Goddamn Santa Claus, that would be a little Grinchy of me.

Again guys, just…amazing. I think you guys deserve an award for best audience ever.

*Crosses fingers and hopes for an award*