Issue 41: Page 17

Author_Ninja on Jan. 16, 2018

Wanted to get this out before I head off to my yearly Las Vegas Trip. I'll be gone a week so I don't know when my next page will be up. Still, it looks like Sid isn't taking this lightly. Wonder what's going to happen when he busts free.

Going to try to get into a regular schedule with this but with work, I'm not sure how regular that will be. But if you REALLY like this comic and want to help support it, there's a few yaws to do it now.

I'm setting up my Patreon Page. It's very bare bones at the moment but I will add stuff as I have time to work on stuff.

Or you can buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi.

Big thanks to everyone who's already sent me coffees, I appreciate you. And to everyone commenting and spreading the word on my DA page, you're awesome too.

Think of it as a tip jar. Either way I appreciate all of my readers and it's good to be back making content.

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