Tape Worm

Davy_Malay on Jan. 15, 2009

I am not infested with tapeworms. I never have been infested with tapeworms.

I have been to France, though.

Not happy with this one on lots of levels - nothing happens, visually, barely any animal facts, and just one joke at the end, making it a kind of gag comic. And I tried to compensate for the nothing-visual-happening by making the bottom few panels really, really crowded, for some reason. But, I finished it and it is done, and now the next one!

Tape worms are amazing, but that doesn't stop them being the vilest things ever. I could taste the bile in the back of my throat all the way through drawing this.
This tapeworm isn't any real specific sort - he's sort of a cross between the pork and beef tapeworms.
Tapeworms are, in a way, the Anti-Panda - we find them vile and do all we can to eradicate them, but they are incredibly good at surviving, and will probably never go extinct so long as there is a digestive system out there.