We interrupt this comic for a special news bulletin...

Jake Richmond on July 10, 2014

- You may have already heard thatChocodiles are back. Just a week after I finally got around to doing a story about how they were gone forever (dammit). theyre calling them Chocodile Twinkies and they dont actualy look like Chocodiles, but its mostly the though that counts I guess. Ill have a full report once I get my hands on some. Buthey!

- Ill be at the Portland Zine Symposium this weekend. Come by and say hi maybe?
- If youre a Drunk Duck user please consider voting for Modest Medusa in teh 2014 Drunk Duck awards.Heres the link.
-Modest Medusa Patreon month continues! Weve been sitting at $588 since Weds, but we still have the rest of the month to get to our $800 goal! Your Patreon contributions help me make a living doing comics and give me financial freedom to spend time making art instead of doing crap day work.
You can check out my Patreon page here.I really appreciate the support!