Mako is not cool

Jake Richmond on Aug. 15, 2014

- A day late. Sorry about that!
-So I have this new t-shirt. Medusa, Groot and Rocket, together for the first time! Itll only be available until the end of August, after that its gone. Its available in all the Womens, Mens and Kids style, all the usual sizes and a bunch of different colors. $20.00.You can buy it here!

-Its Final Fantasy Medusa! Ive been a huge Final Fantasy fan since I was a kid. the series has had a huge and obvious influence on everything Ive done as an artist. This month is the 1 year anniversary of Final Fantasy 14, the 2nd FF MMO. I never have any time to play (seriously never. Im barely level 30) but Ive had a subscription to the game since it launched 3 years ago? And yes, this is the one year anniversary of a game that came out over three years ago. FF14 has a confusing history! Anyway, theres a cool site where artists involved with the project are posting anniversary art. you can check it out
This is the art for Augusts Medusa sticker of the month! Each month Medusa Patrons who pledge $25 or more receive a pack of stickers in the mail. If youre interested in supporting my work on Modest Medusa through Patreonheres the link.