
Jake Richmond on Aug. 20, 2015

Guys. I've started a GoFundMe campaign to pay for a table at the Alternative Press Expo in San Jose this October. The total I'm looking for is $350. My hope is to make enough money at APE to put a real dent in paying the shipping costs from my last Kickstarter. As some of you know, I severely underestimated how much money I'd need to complete my last Kickstarter project, and as a result many of my backers have been waiting too long to get their books and stuff. It's an awful feeling to promise osmething to people who have really supported you and not be able to deliver. I know I won't make enough money at APE to wrap up every expense related to my last Kickstarter, but I think this will go a long way, and any extra funds generated by this GofundMe will go directly into my shipping fund.
If you can spare a few bucks I'd really appreciate the support. If not, reposting is really appreciated!here's the link: