Chapter 1- Page 1

Moonlit_Shadows on Dec. 3, 2006

Oh God, I'm so zonked out from working on English work constantly this past weekend…and it's not going to get any better. Finals are next week…but at least after that I go home for Christmas break. And of course my buffer of pages is going to run out next week. It'll be my first test of how smoothly I can actually do a comic, I suppose….

Anyways…bout this page…well, I remember I had a grand ole time with that first panel, inking it took forever. Granted, this was before I found out bout the secrets of perspective and things like the tricks with windows and stairs in perfect perspective, so hopefully next time I do an establishing shot it won't be as hard. Thank you, Mr. Brown and your wicked drawing class for teaching me so much.

Till next week (pray that finals don't make me forget about next week's update…), I'm Rogue, and this is CNN.


Listening to- Batman Theme by Danny Elfman