Filler #1

Wattage on Jan. 26, 2006

So, lately my scanner hasn't been my friend… and neither has the printer that's supposed to give me my comic template… and neither is the fact that I just ran out of any paper at all. Needless to say that the next few comics (such as last monday's, thursday's, and possibly next monday's) are going to be waylaid. No worries, though, I have them all planned, they just need to be drawn, inked, scanned, edited, and posted. It's not like I'm sitting here because I don't got no ideas… cos I do.

Therefore, for your viewing pleasure, is a highly exaggerated version of myself I did while watching Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. I call the style “AC'd” and if you wanna see more, hop over to the forums on the SketchBattle Forums at “”. And while you're at it, sign up and tell 'em Watson sent you.