
scarybug on June 29, 2006

This comic might not make much sense if you haven't heard of flat worm penis-fencing. Flat worms are hermaphrodites. They each have two sharp pokey penises that they fight each other with when they mate. They fight over which one has to be the female because the female has to contribute much more energy into laying the eggs than the male has to in injecting its sperm into the other worm's soft fleshyness. Here's a movie of it.

Science teachers, feel free to use this comic in your classroom ^_^.

This is a special comic because it was not just done by me. My wife (then girlfriend) did all the pencil work for the worm on the left. I did all the pencil work for the worm on the right. I did the vector line art in the first panel, she did the rest, and I did the coloring and backgrounds.

This comic was done before I made this into more of a story strip using pre-established characters. Remember, this is just comic of 4 of 92, soon to be 93 on my main site, which updates every Saturday.