
upsidedown_i on Sept. 26, 2006

As you can tell from the strip, Caroline is feeling sick and is lacking the energy to draw this week's strip, so I have humbly stepped in to pinch-hit. This thing took me all of five minutes to scribble; I spent more time installing my scanner on my laptop than I did on drawing it. As you can see, the results are fairly…disastrous.

Three attempts later, I finally have a verified account, so I should be taking over the updates from now on. I am Hoog, I (now) take Caroline's drawings and prepare them for posting on the intarweb, as well as writing the scripts after we've brainstormed up everything. Contrary to what she would tell you, I do contribute to this project. (Suck it, sicky!)

My shirt in the first panel was borrowed from Nothing Nice to Say, by Mitch Clem. You can and should read it at

Thanks for reading, guys, keep the comments coming!

- Hoog Out