Guest Week '05: Sam Logan

MrGazpacho on July 30, 2007

Monday, March 7, 2005

Welcome to NiegoStock ‘05! Tonight’s guest strip is, of course, brought to you by the magnificent Sam Logan. Sam's a dude with a comic. A comic that is amazingly awesome. Please go read it, if you're not familiar with it. It's called Sam and Fuzzy (so nice, I linked it twice).

Also, a change of plans! The guest strips will not be running seven, but eight days in a row. So, a week from today is when this madness will stop. What happened is we recieved a guest strip from an amazing young man, and Seth and I liked it so much, we couldn't dare deny it exposure.

That's all for tonight. Check back tomorrow for a comic by a dude you may have heard of!