What You Gonna Do Indeed

MrGazpacho on July 30, 2007

Friday, July 22, 2005

Hey folks. So, tonight I shall talk about my recent excuriosn to San Diego Comic-Con!

I did an ultra long journal comic while I was gone. I did a whole page per day I was gone. You can get to the comic directly here.

On top of that, today, I threw together a tradiotnal con reprt which is more of a photo dump, but still worth checking out. That is right here.

What else can I say? I had an amazing time. Not many people approached me about the comic. One dude did at the DayFree table, and he was really cool. I didn't catch his name, but if you're reading this, my friend; thanks! And I guess someone else mentioned their liking of the comic to Jeph and Sam at another point. So a hello to you as well!

Big shout outs to all my fellow webcomickers that I had the chance to hang out with over the weekend. Jeph and Sam, whom I already mentioned are amazing dudes. Also, Jeph's girlfriend, Cristi, who's a total sweethear. I roomed with Ryan Estrada for the con, and he gets mad props for putting up with me. There was the man known as Ashton who not only is a kickass dude, but also hosts Niego on his server, so I guess you all owe him a high five, I think! I got to meet Eric, Kyle, and their buddy Steve and hang out with them a lot, and were outstandlingly awesome.

I can't express enough how great of a time I had hanging out with these folks and everyone else I got to meet and chat with there, if even for a sec. I don't know if I'll be able to afford to go next year. If I do, I'll try and do the small press table thing, so here's hoping!

Until next time!