That Poor Fat Kid

MrGazpacho on July 30, 2007

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

If you didn't see the bulletin I posted yesterday, the comic didn't update Monday due to lack of connection for me to do so. Was out of my hands, but sorry about that. Tonight's comic is updated a little later than usual, and the Monday and Wednesday updates might continue to not go up until around 1 am at the earliest. I just started a new today, and I don't get off until midnight easter time. I've enlisted the help of Clay to try and get a program installed so the comic will update automatically without me, so we don't have to worry about these kinds of things, anymore.

The fat kid makes his second appearance. Remember him? He showed up waaaay back in Comic 13. This is also the very first Niego comic ever saved in hi-resolution. Before now, I didn't save anything at higher than 72 dpi. Now that I save at 600 dpi as well, there may be hope yet in having a Niego book someday.

My comic for the Webcomic Telethon towards the hurricane relief has gone up. You can see it here. If you're able to donate at all, please do so. I already put my money down. On top of that, I did a guest comic for Punks and Nerds that went up on Friday. You should go check that out.

Also, Eleanor Davis just finished up a fantastic mini-comic called “Beast Mother”, that you should all check out. It's not up on her site, but there are links to the pages up over at her boyfriend, Drew Weing's, site.

Okay, this newspost is already waaay too long. So, I'll catch you all Friday.