Real Geniuses, Part One

MrGazpacho on July 30, 2007

Monday, September 20, 2005

Sorry about the short newspost Friday. I was in a terrible mood, and was way too tired to write anything coherent. One thing I should have said was that Friday's comic was inspired almost fully by by buddies Stephen and Anne. Panel 3 was intirely written by Stephen. He's a good dude.

So this week in honor of Niego 1st birthday (on Wednesday), there will be five updates. Every day Monday through Friday, there will be a new comic catching up with some forgotten characters. New readers (and most old ones) probably don't remember Quagmire, Old Man, or the Suicidal Robot, but there's no time like the present to become acquainted with them.

So I quit my new job 5 days into it on Saturday. I just hated it so bad. Of course now, though, I have no idea what to do next. Anyone in Ohio know any awesome jobs in the Massillon/Canton area jobs that pay okay? Let me know! I need moneys.

Alright, make sure to tune in tomorrow for more wackiness with Mr. Kilmer.