#5 Breakfast of Champions

Evil Emperor Nick on Aug. 13, 2007

Annoucement: Over the weekend at WW Chicago I asked Amy to marry me and she said yes. We have been semi-secretly dating for over a year now, but now that we are engaged we felt it was the right time to make it public we are a couple. I think we will be the first (and probably only) couple to met on Drunk Duck to be maried.

Zoppy started out life as a combination between Faye and Bunny Hexavier. Originally he was my least favorite character in NS. In fact I tried to cut him several times but each time Amy would talk me into putting Zoppy back into the series. When we started work on offical series & the graphic novel I pretty much demanded we make some changes to Zoppy's design before we establish him as part of the offical series. Amy and me sat down and hammered out some ideas me stating what I didn't like about him and Amy offering suggestions on how we could change him. I was very impressed with the change (which mostly was centered around re-designing his ears) and I really got into his character for the first and now I quite enjoy writting for him.