Such as... Diet

Toshi on Jan. 9, 2010

Yo, Soosh here!
In case you are all wondering what commercial is playing on the tv… It's not worth mentioning. I Hate the commercial so much that I'm upset right now as I think about it. There is no other script that I can think of that is more unnatural than the dialogue made for the actors in that commercial. Which is ironic since the product is for NATURAL male enhancement. Yet, I digress from what I really wanted to say here which is SECOND STRIP DONE WOOOO!!!!
For all of you who saw the previous strip, Bto went ahead and redid it since he's not lazy like I am. That should be up so check it out, yeah? And don't be shy to leave us some feedback guys. I know we're weird but weirdness likes company? Alright, I'm out of here. Next strip will be introducing one of my favorite characters! Oo oo teaser! See ya next week!
