Page 4

Tommie Kelly on April 27, 2008

Hi guys,

Just wanted to say a few words about the story.

With regard to the question was his Father in the IRA? I don't know. Could be but at that time there was a number of different Republican movements and groups who all had slightly different agendas. So he was caught up with one of them but not necessarily the IRA. However the IRA was the most popular so it is most likely. Bear in mind that although the IRA was common knowledge, how was a member wasn't ever really known, even to members families. People suspected but it was never asked.

At a stage in Ireland there was a huge craze of people claiming to see statues of holy figures move. It mostly was statues of Our Lady and this both comforted people and scared them. Personally I was young at the time and it scared the hell out of me. But there was about a two year period where everyone wa seeing moving statues in Ireland.

And just to set the record straight, I am not Christian, not a Catholic (I was born one though), I am not anti-British and am certainly not a racist but some of the characters in this story are. Just remember to get annoyed at the characters and not me :)

Enjoy the page!

Oh and go check out my other New comic THE ROAD CREW. It updates on the days that NO IRISH doesn't so you can have you fill of Tommie all week! :P