Off Hours Chapter 2 Page 49 (Encore - Part 1)

dueeast on June 28, 2010

Okay, a little explanation. We've seen some of the actors arrive on the set and even receive instruction from a Director…but we haven't actually seen them act yet! So, in the last two “original” Off Hours pages, I wanted to show two of our actresses actually ACT! And what better piece of fiction than a DIE HARD sequel/parody??

In this case, it's C.K. Boulware (yes - he/she has a last name, per OH Ch 1 Pg 9) portraying Greta Gruber, the biracial daughter of the late Hans Gruber from the original Die Hard; and Susan Davis of “Fenny Baker” fame in Devon Legacy portraying Lucy McClain, the daughter of John McClain, the lead from the first 4 Die Hard movies.

It may or may not surprise you to know it only took 10 minutes to write this scene. Granted, that was aided by my being a Die Hard fan…but then again, Die Hard was always heavy on action and lean on plot (just being honest). The title of the movie (“Die Hard In The Sky With Diamonds”) is a play on Lucy McClain's name and a nod to the song “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.”

Now, if this had been a REAL Die Hard movie, Lucy would be bleeding profusely, wearing next to nothing and her dialogue would have her swearing like a sailor (or her dad)…but hey, I'm allowed a little artist license, right? I just love the idea of Susan as Lucy McClain! (It's not radically different from Fenny, just without super powers.)

Very nice art by Nergal from Evil Snowman and script by me, Allen from Due East.

Part 2 will be soon (hopefully later this week)! The movie is over, but we'll see the actors have one last conversation.

And lastly, tell me: In Off Hours, who is/are your favorite character(s) and why? (And I mean the actors, not who they portray on their shows, okay?)