Page - 138 [ BAM ]

Fyrsiel on April 16, 2007

Okay, important things:

Please be honest here, who really had already figured that Hyme was female? I mean honestly? And what things clued you in? xO I'd really like to know if I pulled this off or not, so if anyone had guessed it before now, I want to know what might have given me away too soon. ^ ^;;;

Now I can also explain some things… Each of the new characters you've all seen are actually based off of cats I've had in the past. Hyme is based off of my cat, Sarah. In some language, Sarah means Princess. xD In Japanese, Hime means princess. Hence I bastardized the Japansese spelling to cloak it up a bit by spelling it “Hyme” and giving it a litteral American pronounciation “Hai-eem.” I've been waiting to explain her name for a very long time. xD Yeah, even Messy is based off of a cat we had. His hair was always a mess, as it would sometiemes be sticking up, randomly. xD The white haired “kitten” is Cloud…. who was usually a spaz and sneezed a lot. (Gotta remember that Cloud sneezes. xD)

My monitor is still going off and on on me. ;___; Tomorrow I am going to edit these author's notes so that I can answer previous comments. Dx I'll make it the first thing I do, as soon as I get home!


All-righty. Responses to comments, below! I am also going to answer these current comments while I'm at it, too. At least, for now. xO

Wazaga: Dx Aw, your motivation is staggering too? Sometimes I think it has to do with the pages themselves… if it's a boring page, I tend not to get it done as quickly. Dx I just keep pushing forward though. (Whether that's a good thing or not. _xD) I wanted to see if I could pull off a surprise like this. There is a supreme shortage of female characters in this comic! It's funny to think that she's a female gamer… and with an untidy desk as well. xD It was really difficult to keep myself from mentioning her gender this whole time. If you go back, and check out some of the close up panels of her hands, you may even notice that she is wearing some nail-polish. xD *purposefully hard to notice unless you look, though…*

Jassination: Yus, Hyme is going to put up a bit of a different kind of fight. This fight is going to be as brief as I can get it to be. D,x This whole thing has been a combination of three fights, which is why it's lasted so long. It's important to remember that fights should be kept brief, in the future. @_@ At least, for me they should be! I don't know what I'll do about my monitor problem… we don't have the money to buy a new one. Dx ;;; Usually we just have to make due with what we have.

kyupol: Nah, my family used to own a newspaper business and we'd pick stuff up off the street all the time. People would throw out stuff that was perfectly fine. o__O; So wasteful… There may be a monitor in another room that I can switch with this monitor, but sometimes that monitor goes on the fritz, too. x_X; Something will come up to fix this, though!

Cheeko: Actually I'm not really sure. These guys tend to change little details on me every now and then. In some instances, Nomed has been impressed by her, but in other instances, they don't really get along too well. You'll find out why, in the next few pages. xO Hyme also has the ability to transform into a cat-like creature. None of the creatures in this mansion have been fully human. _xD *Also* and this is pretty important, I do remember the same trick you pulled off at the beginning of your comic, how everyone thought that Ranu's mother was male, before you introduced her. I was worried that you might have caught on, most of all, because you'd pulled it off so well and suddenly I was keeping Hyme's face in the dark. _xD

ce33: Well, that's not bad, either. At the last second, the idea could easily come to anyone. I just wonder if there are any pre-mature clues. Dx I worried about them, often… especially with my deliberate diversions from her face…

chaychan: Actually, you and one other person I speak to via MSN thought similar things. xD The person on MSN said she thought Hyme was going to be Chibi-like. Hyme is a bit small, though. xD

Draco109: Woo, it's tricky stuff. @_@!! I do intend to bring the Client back in some form, but at the moment, I am still planning how to do that… Things feel better if they can go in some kind of circle.

* * * * *

Now, here, I need to make one announcement and this is straight to PV. He's probably loving the attention, but the truth is that he's a thirteen year old boy that knows my little sister through another webcomic site. The fact is that he never seems to have a decent thing to say about anything, and apparently this rings true here, as well.

So instead of engaging in some kind of war, spitting insults back and forth, I've decided that I really don't feel like dealing with any of that nonsense at all. Therefore, from this point on, any rude comments left by PV will be promptly muted. If he persists in leaving comments that are nothing more than repetative spam, then I will report him for excessive harrassment.

PV, for absolutely no reason at all, you started this shit. D: I'm just finishing it. Sorry, man.