FFS #4: Who?

Valtiel on Aug. 25, 2007

This comic came about because, well, I only know so many people that I actually talk to on a regular basis about the comic, and they all were of the same opinion about one thing: These characters I creaed needed names. At first, their demands were met with me pretty much saying “When I am good and fucking ready.”

Conveniently enough, soon after they backed off on the topic, I came up with the idea that would ultimately become this comic, and the next one. It started out as just being the one-off, but in all honesty, I wasn't thrilled about the ending to this one, and it wasn't until after I had completed the first three frames that I realized that I had no good closure for this comic. Thus, number five was born, and I, very early on, distinguish myself as a comic artist that some times dabbles in the realm of continuity.

Also, I started colouring the comic, starting with this one, and I had it all done as of last night before I realized that it was missing things, and I had to go back to the original file to alter it, negating all of my work with the colouring. Therefore, this comic is still in it's naked form, and I probably won't continue to work on the colouring until it's getting close to the time for number six to go live.

I managed to spend a bit of time with Bioshock on Tuesday, as well, and I have to make a pretty embarrassing confession: I wasn't all about that game. Everyone painted it to be the next big thing, but in all honesty, it just didn't feel like a game that I would invest what little time I have outside of work in. Sure, it was kind of fun, and it looked pretty. but that wasn't enough for me. People keep telling me that it gets better the more you play, but seeing as how I don't even own it, and I was just using my roommate's copy, I probably won't get to the point where I start salivating at the thought of playing it.

If anything, I feel like going on a huge Final Fantasy VII kick right now. I haven't played through that game in years, and that is the game that I pretty much hold in the highest regards as far as plot is concerned. I have yet to play a game that has such an involved storyline. Granted, Silent Hill is very, very close (Silent Hill 2 more specifically), but nothing compares to the bad fucking week that your characters have in FFVII.

On a final note, I have been playing around with the idea of upping the update schedule to two days a week, to start pumping out more comics. All I need to do now is come up with some more ideas. That, and get used to colouring them. I am still real hazy on it.
