15: Bulk Noobs

smbhax on Dec. 12, 2010

Doing these in GIMP now, ‘s quicker. Also after being inspired by

1) lack of sleep
2) catching up on Kate Beaton’s stuff
3) trying to cook

I thought I'd try my hand at the sketchy sort of auto-biographical strip that's so popular in the online with the kids these days. And man, I can see why: it's WAY easier to do these than to come up with a stand-alone joke! Like, way.

Anyway I did three of these, so I'll dole the other two out over the next few days, whee. They get a bit better in execution; was too cruddy on the lettering in this first one, and I should'a used a heavier line for the drawing, too. Dohhh well one day I will screw up less maybe!