768. Daughter of Deadpool

Sameth on Sept. 12, 2014

I don't want to get into specifics here (you're more than welcome to read Marvel Now Deadpool), but Deadpool has a daughter. Her mother was a woman that (if I remember correctly), Deadpool had a thing for a while back.
And I honestly don't know if Shiklah and Ellie have met, but I just thought I'd make mention of it. I think Ellie is staying with one of Deadpool's friends rather than with Deapdool. (A mercenary and the queen of monsters? Yeah…probably not a good idea.)
I don't want to give anything away, but I don't really remember them giving much information about the living situation here since Deadpool just recently recovered Ellie and then her next appearance was Ellie, Deadpool, Agent Preston (Deadpool's friend), and Agent Preston's kid all out trick-or-treating, so…not much info to go on. (And the Trick-or-Treating scene was what lead me to write this comic because Deadpool was wearing a Ghostbusters uniform and had his mask off.)