839. Venom Reformed

Sameth on Feb. 25, 2015

Sorry for the late comment.

Yeah, that's a valid question, Spider-Man.
Okay, so…I'm pretty okay with the new Venom and seeing the symbiote homeworld and all of that. They weren't meant to be parasites, but actually symbiotic with their host. The new design looks okay, but I prefer the unhinged jaw look with the teeth and tongue.
And Agent Venom is badass, too. The new one? Okay…he looks more like a cartoony version of Agent Venom. Not bad, otherwise. And honestly, I'm okay with Venom changing his look ever once in a while. He looked completely different when Spider-Man was his host. Why not change when other people become his host? (Well…his host didn't change this time, but you know what I mean.)