1175. Wonderful Movie

Sameth on June 2, 2017

Sadly…this is the only Wonder Woman I own. I've been meaning to get one for a story arc I'm wanting to do, but just haven't gotten around to it.

And yeah, the movie was pretty good, but I think I like the other three better. This was better written and directed, but also slower and I felt like some of the comedy was forced. Like…they sat there and took time out for some of the comedic moments, pausing the whole movie. It wouldn't have been as bad had more of the jokes hit with me.

Either way…It was still a pretty good flick. Kind of a Captain America: First Avenger meets Thor. I'm with Batman here. Though I'd say it's better than Iron Man 2 and Thor: Dark World, which are both movies I liked. Between the DCU and MCU, I don't know that I really disliked anything either put out. I just hope this is DCU picking up its stride. I don't want WW to be the rare gem of this movie series.