Stall Tactics

Twilight_of_the_gods on Jan. 16, 2012

Alright, few hours late, but still pretty good!
Anyways, sorry about flaking on Friday, but I've been feeling sick lately, and I haven't gotten much sleep. But I worked extra hard on this page, so hopefully it looks good and there won't be any angry mobs with pitchforks (looks around suspiciously…).
Right, so, I'm very happy with how the Dome came out in this page! It looks better than I thought it would when I first started this page, so I'm pleased about that. Sigh, maybe I should just do a comic about characters floating in a plain white void, it would be so much easier…
Well, that's all from me for now. Hope your week goes well, and hopefully I'll have a new page for you by Friday! ^.^
(Oh, and p.s. say goodbye to that guy I never bothered naming, because he will never show up again! Good thing too, I get a weird vibe off him…)
(p.p.s. I named him Guy. It's a valid name!)