The Biggest Shock of the, I mean Day

Twilight_of_the_gods on July 9, 2012

Damn, it's been awhile, huh? I'll save you the whole story, basically my Grandmother had a mini stroke, so I've been busy helping my Mum with her. I also started work, so there's that. But don't worry, my Gram's doing much better, so I'll be able to devote my time back to the comic.
Anyways, I think I had a few things to say on this page, but I'm not sure what…was anyone who hasn't read the comic before the reboot surprised by this information? I tried not to make it obvious, but who knows. It might also explain why in the first panel Gabriel is staring at her face, and not lower down…Also, yes Gabriel is very tall. The only reason why the height difference between Bridgette and him is so small is due to a combination of Bridgette's tallness and her love of very tall high heels.
Okay, I can't think of anything else I wanted to say off hand, so I'll sign off for now. Happy Monday, see you lot again on Friday! ^.^