Not Currying My Favor

Strain42 on June 16, 2011

As far as the game goes, this is probably my least favorite scene. Not just this scene on its own, but most of the camp out in general. This is the scene that unlocked my hatred of Yosuke. This is the scene that made me go “Wow, Yosuke is a douche” and then made me look back at all the other stuff he's done, as well as pay more attention to the stuff he did in the future, most of which served to give evidence to my “Yosuke's a douche” theory (which I know many of you don't share, and that's fine)

I hated listening to him during this scene, whenever I thought he was going to stop talking, he just kept going on and on and on (I'm aware of the hypocrisy here…) and so I knew when doing this scene as a comic, I wanted to showcase that the curry was bad, but see if I could make Yosuke funny without turning him into an asshole. The result was this.

Interesting side note. I posted this comic on GameFAQs once several months before the first comic even went up when we were having a discussion about this scene.

Most people told me that they liked this comic better than what had actually happened, and that they wish the game had done it more like this than having Yosuke throw a world class hissy fit.

Another side note regarding Hiimdaisys comic…I love “and no one ate dinner that night” I do still quote that sometimes around friends and family :P