Ghost in the Machine

Strain42 on Feb. 25, 2013

It doesn't surprise me that Mitsuru would be one to hold a grudge. This is kinda off topic, but it's something that bugs me. In the Shadow Operatives, people are assigned a number, and the lower the number, the higher rank you are, right? Mitsuru is number 1. Akihiko is her right hand man at number 2…but Aigis is number 5. Does anyone find that strange? Aigis was once in charge of S.E.E.S. you'd think she'd be like number 3. I do wonder who 3 and 4 are (since we know a certain other P3 character who shows up in this game isn't actually a member of the shadow operatives) Maybe 3 and 4 are Junpei and Yukari.