Chapter 1- Introductions - "Man, what 'luck'"

guymontag5 on April 20, 2006

You know, I don't think I actually mentioned that I'd be updating fridays… so I suppose now you all know…

Secondly, I'm actually pretty happy with how the art turned out on this page, though I'm not happy about never getting around to doing a background.

Also, appearently people are actually reading the comic, so I'm not just spouting out stuff to myself. I suppose that means I should give you all some background on the comic.

Phear the Ninja: A History
I started this comic, though not in its current form around September ‘04. At the time I had been running it on my own server as a gag-a-day strip featuring some pretty crappy art. Originally it was titled “Phear Teh Ninja,” as part of a inside joke. While the strip was not sucessful as a online comic, it was loved by a portion of my classmates and friends. After around 20 gag-a-day stips I switched to a story arc and color comics, though because of outside activities the comic soon fell into nonexistence. I started the current version of the comic around September of ’05 as an art project, drawing the last page and a one page fight sequence as the first two pages, testing techniques I had learned recently. From there I developed a story that I've been trying to complete for 6 or so months now and which is what you see infront of you.

Um, I don't know how many of you actually care about what I just said, or even bothered to READ what I just wrote, but I thought I'd put it out there for ya'll. Um, thanks for reading though!