Chapter 5 Page 2

stabbyfairy on Oct. 16, 2007

The anatomy on this page sucks balls. This is what I get for losing my buffer. This is punishment for my laziness. XD
And that third panel just DOES NOT work. It's AWFUL.
On the bright side, you finally get to see Callum, and this page has massive amounts of ho yay. If I had a fandom, slashfic would be being written as I type. =D (Weiss Kreuz has a fandom, why can't I? Oh, I forgot, the CAST MADE UP ENTIRELY OF BISHIES. XD)
I'll be fiddling with my text bubbles for the next two pages. I think the ink tool is better than airbrush, as it was for the lineart, now I just need to play around with the settings. Bear with me as I work my way through this. The ugly text bubbles will be sorted out soon, I promise. =D
Anyway, I'll try to get my act together in time for next page. This is much harder than before. *dies and is ded* V_V