Needs More (Insert Opinion)

Pixel Filth on Nov. 19, 2006

So here we are. An update long after the last, I apologize, life sometimes gets in the way of things you see.

Today’s strip is about that whole Gamespot thing were a guy reviewed Zelda and only injected an eight-point-eight into the reviewolator which many people seem to value so much. I read a great editorial on how many people wish for a review to agree with their opinion. There isn’t some great epiphany here in the comic, I’m just sayin’ really.

The great launch is upon us all! Well all of us who play games of video on our TV screens. But I do that thing where you get to the point. I didn’t get a PS3 or a Wii, although I would have loved to get a Wii. No, for the only thing I would like this holiday season is a steady job. One which would give income so I could pay rent and you know, not anger my friends who’re helping cover my ass for the time being.

On a much brighter note, I have discovered that Zebrahead (re: band that I like) released a new album last month. Upon learning this information, I became what you would call ‘giddy’ or ‘girlishly happy’ as I went out of my way to purchase said album with what little extra money I’d been saving for just such an event.

Er, I guess you really don’t care about any of this. It just helps a person to put some things in words and hope a person or two may come across them to read and nod in some form of agreement or another. Enjoy the comic, I will be back at it again next Monday or maybe even a little sooner if something pops into my head.

~T. Thumbs