Pixel Punks 004

Senretsu on May 27, 2010

I'm tired of being told what to think.

I'm tired of trying to think of what my comic means, trying to make it things that it's not. I'm tired of stifling my own creativity, and making my comic anything less than what I want it to be.

That's what I started pixelpunks for anyway, to get rid of what bogged me down in all these other comics.

Anyway, this is the first in a string of updates that are coming. No particular cause or purpose. One major direction I plan on going is towards making the final issues of all my other comics (Senretsu Gaiden, Dungeons & Dumbasses, etc) that will answer all questions and bring an ending to the comic's, and explain everything I wanted to do with the comic in question. These will probably take place as 4th wall breaking “Strips” which will take place over multiple “Issues” forming something like a “Ending Plot Arc”. Keep a look out for them. Just check back and see if I update. I plan on starting work tonight.

Nice to see you all again.