Page #13: Who's That Pokemon?!

Disaster Flare on June 8, 2017

Let's face it: I was going to make fun of that Link Club eventually. A couple of things I wanna mention:

I was really having trouble coming up with Wally's reason for being scared of Mini-Groudon. I had considered things like it eating his lunch or something, but I wanted it to be utterly ridiculous. Overall, I think a fear of scales was the best way to introduce him.

Brendan shouting that in the last panel is actually a double reference. One is obviously the anime (I guess they have the anime in their world), and the other comes from my old pages before I redid them for ComicFury and The Duck, where I decided to do a stupid “Who's That Pokemon” bit for one page and then never do it again. I was a weird kid.