Prenna #1 - Shining Through: Cover pencils

rainingbells on March 12, 2008

I have been sick as all hell the last few weeks. I don't get sick. I can sit next to someone with the plague and they can cough all over me and I don't get sick. But when I DO get sick, it's usually something really nasty. I thought it was a cold, it hung around for a week, I felt better one day so I figured I was over the hump and went without any cold meds. Worked my shift, came home, and within about two hours my temp went from 99 to 103.4, at which point Hexx demanded I stop trying to sweat it out of me and take something or she was taking me to the hospital. After that, it hung out at around 103.5 for another couple hours before it started coming down. Had it again the next night, but took something. Worried about missing MegaCon, but felt better so I went anyway, worked the con, felt fine, came home, the machine was broken at work Monday and no one had run any jobs Friday while I was gone so I stayed until almost 6am the NEXT morning to catch up. Went home, slept for 3 hours, came back and worked my shift, passed out on the couch when I came home…tonight…fever again.

Can't shake this thing.

But the con went pretty well. Looking at Supercon and then Yasumicon next. I was asked, so…. They sound interesting.

Here are the pencils that came after the blue lines. The inks tomorrow, colors the day after.